Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Way Our Words Shape Us

Have you ever thought about the fact that the words we use to describe ourselves might influence who we actually become? And are those words what we really want to be? I hear so many women describe themselves as bitchy or depressed or tired all the time . . but rarely do I hear them say how fabulous they are . . and I guess it's a thin line between wanting to promote our most positive self and being conceited. But if we don't give ourselves an opportunity to be great . . who will? I was thinking of this earlier today in the context of writing characters (for a memoir, a novel, a short story). When I'm creating this character, I usually start by describing what they look like from the outside first . . I mean, after all, this is how we see each other! And if we think about the contradiction . . . we describe ourselves from the inside . . and this self-talk may well be shaping what we are seeing in the mirror. So today, I'm beautiful :) When I close my eyes and see myself . . I want to see that first! How about you? Give it a try and let me know how you feel!

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