Saturday, June 16, 2012

Small Good Things - Grandchildren

On Friday mid-morning, I will head to the airport . . my youngest daughter and youngest grandchildren will be arriving.  I can hardly wait.  I long for the joy and life that they bring.  

In the weeks and months between visits, I spend time teaching and working on my business efforts . . spending so much time in matters that I know for certain cannot compare to the sweet reality of sticky kisses and constant streams (or screams:) of chatter.  

When I am with them in Peoria, we might have a tea party or play in the breezeway . . we might eat chili dogs and ice cream cones . . or throw bowling balls while they squeal with delight as I drop my backwards (as my older two beautiful grandchildren have taught them:) .  All familiar places and familiar comforts.  Small good things that I hold close until they return.

Today, I am longing to see them practice their acrobatics, hear them sing out wildly, gobble their spaghetti and salads . . and most of all to hold them in my arms . . listen to them read . . take them to the library. . .splash at the beach . . chase away the errant clouds.  It is a love that I can only share through images . . but that runs deeper than any vein of gold . .    it is through their love that I see possibility . . . and goodness in the world. Small good things.  

Who reminds you of those small good things?  Who props you up when you are sagging . . and reminds you of hope and possibility?  I'd love to hear.  I truly believe that the greatest gift we have in life is each other . . .I am here . . I am listening ...