These past few weeks have had me in a tizzy! I have been lonely . . crabby . . bored. I have been irritated at the slightest things and tired. I've forced myself to walk, to swim, to think. . and even with all of my chutzpah and knowledge . . I have still cried. Tears of frustration .. irritation over my inability to control external events (and sometimes my own internal feelings!).
I believe I've hit the "tipping point" part (again .. aargh!). I think each one of us comes to this "tipping point" . .where we've GOT to do something to pull ourselves out of either the downward spiral or the flat plateau before we begin searching for the resilience rope. It's like we have to hang on in the beginning, but over time we eventually realize that just swinging at the mercy of others isn't so great either. . so we begin to try and climb . . yet . . . climbing up the rope by ourselves isn't easy (remember the old fitness challenges in grade school) and so we begin to search for something with which to leverage the climb.
In my case, the search is always at my fingertips. I can either type it in an email or text . . or hit the speed-dial. Sisters, mothers, daughters, friends. . .the trusted ones. The ones who will light candles for grace or hope or peace. The ones who prompt you to do something, anything . . just do it (oh, for god's sake, we know it . . we just need someone to make us accountable:)
And so for me . . when the devil stretches in the morning . . watch out. I'm resilient. How about you? Clean a closet, fold some towels, put on your make-up, write . . and for your sake, smile:)
This is a beautiful life . . precious days . . precious moments. . precious memories.
As always . . I'm here . . and listening . .
The Doctor is in :)
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