Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Peacefulness in Everyday Living

What is it about everyday living that makes peacefulness and contentment so difficult? Well, for me, it is the fact that I don't live on an island alone and isolated from others (which is a good thing in the long run) . . and yet, it is that very same fact that often causes us to get caught up in someone else's plans and/or drama. I have found that when I get time for reflection, in the pursuit of self-awareness, my mind rarely stays in "my own backyard". In quiet time, I find that my mind wanders to what my children and grandchildren are doing . . to thoughts of my mom . . to immediate needs of the day or week or month. For me, these relationships are so important . . .and yet, I know that unless I ground and center in my own life, I can be of no real assistance to others. Years ago, I studied meditation and during times of chaos, I would turn off my mind to the external and use focused deep breathing to access my internal self. I used visualization and active imagination to go within. In this practice I could still my racing thoughts and see myself as strong and resilient . . .so that when I returned to my daily tasks, I felt refreshed and peaceful. What are some practices or techniques that you have used to access your inner self? When you are still and can hear your own inner voice, does it provide you with strength and renewed purpose? How is it that you find peacefulness in everyday living? I'd love to hear your thoughts . . .I'm listening :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jill, I really resonate with your comments. Like you, I used to take time to "go within"-- and it greatly enhanced my ability to focus, cope and be my true self. In recent years, I have gotten away from this. The irony is that I let my busy schedule be an excuse for why I don't take time to meditate. Then I wonder why I feel so scattered and negative! That leads to feelings of overwhelm and an ongoing running mental checklist of all the tasks I haven't accomplished and the people I am "failing."

I'm making a commitment to spend time meditating at least three days a week (as a start), with the idea of building on that. When I meditate, I like to sit in my favorite place in the house by a window, outside which is a little garden area with an arbor, bird bath and birdfeeder. I just enjoy the beauty for a few minutes, then settle in for some deep breathing, OMs and finally just being, focusing on my breath. I end with the same deep breathing and OMs.

Thanks for reminding me of this! I wish you well on your path, my friend.