Just as the seasons change (even in the most temperate of climates), we must change, too. And yet, I've so resisted! In my mind's eye, I am the same person I have always been . . however, in the mirror, I am not. In reflection, both external and internal, I am different . . as it should be. I am older now (even though I hate to admit the age) and even though I relish wonderful memories, I refuse to only live by the past. As the days pass by unnoticed, I am irritated with myself for my lack of motivation to kick up my heels .. to explore, to be curious, to be amazed .. and to continue to contribute for all I'm worth.
I read an article this week on what people dream of doing when they retire (travel, learn a new language, volunteer, putz around the house, and/or write that novel they have always said they were going to do). What I wonder is . .
I think it takes more than dreaming. I think it takes planning . . and then doing. It takes baby steps and, just as babies do, it takes repetition. And unfortunately, it probably takes a few spills, too . . but I'm up for the challenge.
Here are a few of my Fall Into Living challenges :)
Choose to do something in and with your life that you have only dreamed of doing . . and make it your number-one priority! Consistent small steps are always more effective for building a doable routine and getting a project done.
As you are making your list, don't forget to do a "gut check" to see if what you are doing is taking you where you really want to go . . since sometimes we toddle toward something that intrigued us when we were twenty, but the truth is, it no longer match with our values or our energy. Match your dreams (and your choices) to the person you are today.
Recognize your own successes!
Celebrate short-term goals that lead to long-term happiness. Literally check items off of the "to-do" list. Go out to lunch with some friends and talk about what you've accomplished. It's impossible to find motivation in isolation. Share only what has truly been accomplished (since sometimes we want to "stretch" what we are thinking about accomplishing into what we have already done, however, this gets us nowhere fast) and encourage them as they celebrate their own successes, too.
Keep yourself moving forward!
Sometimes, the first step is the most difficult to take (there's not enough time today . . there's always tomorrow), however, there is such a wonderful feeling when we do it now. . .when we diligently attend to what is important in our lives.

Falling into happiness just doesn't happen . . we have to live it. We must choose to pay attention, to reflect on what we see, and to be in charge of our own lives.
Let's put our days to good use. Dream and plan . . and then DO.
How are you Falling into Living? I'd love to hear your plans . . and your successes.
Dr. Jilly Bean