Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Our own perception plays into the evolution of our personality (and one that I find most fascinating).

When I reflect on who I am and what I want to be . . .I can only "see" myself . . I cannot distance myself enough to really see or know the perspectives of others and so my own perception is my "launch" pad.  And here is where I think that personality is influenced by self-perception.

When we think about self-esteem in terms of personality . . .it seems that we think introvert or extrovert or flexibility or rigidity . . and yet, I believe that some of who we are definitely comes from how we perceive ourselves in different situations (rightly or wrongly).

"Take care of one another. Be gentle, be compassionate. Be open to letting someone in when it is you who is faltering. Lend your hand. We need it. The world needs it." (Tripathi family 4-24-13)

As always . . I'm listening . .

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