If you checked your anxiety level right now, where would it be? Totally calm or "off the chart"? If it feels like your anxiety is escalating (especially in this season of spin and "cliffs") . . you are not alone.
Recent research has shown that anxiety levels in women ARE rising. . it is one of the most under-diagnosed disorder in the US and it is often because healthcare providers "dismiss" women's symptoms as hormonal or just a part of their learned behaviors.
In reality, anxiety and hormones are correlated (yes, really:) in the brain. . . and the estrogen/progesterone swings can influence how women perceive danger. And then again, social expectations are just as scientifically correlated with a significant number of women who have more "jobs" (child care, cooking/cleaning/laundry, career) and an expected body image of youth/attractive physical characteristics . . and of course, that sexual come-hither personality (even if she has cooked, cleaned, worked, gone to parent-teacher conferences and hasn't had a moment to shave her legs in a week :)
OMG . . see what my anxiety has done?!? I was supposed to be writing about decreasing anxiety!
Ah yes . . breathe in . . .and breathe out.
All this talk of anxiety led me to do a little research of my own. How do we decrease anxiety naturally . . and does it work?
I ended up watching a video by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD discussing his fascinating work with Mindfulness Meditation . . and so I've decided to commit to trying it for myself (yes, yes . . I am an old hippie/earth mother of another generation anyway:)
Not only do I want to do this for the research of reducing anxiety in ordinary women, but also because the resulting "promises" from their research reveal and increased ability for creativity and better use of our minds/bodies in the world. What a win-win!
And so I thought it's perfect in this busy holiday season (the season of Santa and Scrambling) . . to increase Being in the world. To really see others . . to be kind . . to help . . to listen.
I just love a good research project . . and I'd love to know what you think. Mindful Meditation allows me to be present and creative in this season of doing . . with less worry and more hope . . and as always, listening.