Just a quick note for some spirit boosters :)
Being Thankful . . we used to call them "affirmations" . . oh my god, you can tell how old I am with that one :) However, when I'm feeling like I wanna sit in my own pity pool . .I have got to think about all those things I am grateful for . . and it's amazing that once I start this list it could go on and on . . and it always starts with . . dear god, thank you for my children . . .and their health and their spirits and their smiles . . and their children . . and their genuine love . . and thank you for letting me see their beautiful faces and share in their lives . . and well . . you can begin to see that this could take up my whole page . . so go ahead and begin to list your own . . .
Keep Moving . . I always hate this one because I always feel like going in and lying on the sofa and taking a nap . .thinking I'll feel better (which I never do) . . and then I groan and squirm as I put on my tennis shoes or my swimming suit and head outside and put one foot in front of the other until . . .believe it or not, I'm moving . . and if I get nothing else done in the day . .at least I've done that . . and wow, my youngest daughter did all of those today in a triathlon and kudos . . .xo . . can she motivate me . . and can she move you . .(notice there are no lines for a list . . you're supposed to be out moving ;)
and . . if you're still here to finish before you head outside . .
Look ahead . . and catch a glimmer of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish . . even though we live in the present, there are often baubles of the future that can help us over those "bumps in the road" (thank you Mr. President :) . . so close your eyes and see the biggest and best . . why not reach for the stars . . I still believe we can touch them if we keep spiraling up . . .
And so as I'm reaching I remember some very touching words that continue to inspire and hold me and move me forward . ."I want to be far enough away to watch over you and close enough so that you can see my light" . . .(thank you dad:)
What's your inspiration . . share as you give thanks, keep moving and reach for the stars . . . I'm really listening . .
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