Yesterday it occurred to me that, once again, I am in the midst of questioning who I am and what I am doing. And . . it occurs to me (even as I'm writing this) that possibly I've spent my entire life re-defining my goals, re-adjusting my sails, adapting. . and maybe that is exactly what we are supposed to be doing our whole entire lives . . after all, we are dynamic human beings. . .twisting, wiggling, and squirming within the constraints of societal expectations to be unique, to make our mark on the earth . . to say we were here and to have someone else confirm that it was worth having us in their lives. We are forward thinking, we are feeling, we are motivated . .and yes, sometimes we are even stuck. But the truth is that re-defining may be more of a process of refining . . putting flourishes on what seems to be mundane and discovering a niche that catches the light and sets our spirits soaring again.
When I study the theorists, I always think of Abraham Maslow's proposals for self-actualization . . the inherent drive within that urges us to find the best in ourselves and in others . . to become the best we can be . . and in doing so, delight in those "peak experiences" . . those moments of transcendence and peace. And yet, I believe there is more . . that we can develop a pattern of reflection and introspection . . so that re-defining and refining becomes a continuous process . . . of delightful flourishes . .
So today, I have crinkled my nose in that scrunched up way I do when I smile . . and I noticed that my eyes are twinkling a bit . . I've been teaching and reading and swimming . . exercising my mind and body . . creating and speculating. Re-defining what I want from life and in the process, refining who I am. What flourishes have you created in your life lately? If I looked into your eyes . . would I see the sparkle? I'm here and I'm listening . . .
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